What are the ways to care for domestic birds

 Ways to take care of domestic birds

There are some people who prefer to raise birds instead of pets at home, because they live in a cage and take a space designated for them and do not roam inside the house, and this may also be due to their love for these birds.

Breeding birds is not an easy task, as they need special attention, especially in the winter, when it is necessary to protect them from cold weather in order not to contract diseases, and to know the correct way to raise birds, please follow the tips mentioned in this article.

Ways to take care of domestic birds

How to take care of birds in the winter

It is necessary to feed the birds properly and appropriately and to acquire foods suitable for each type of bird, to know this it is necessary to consult a veterinarian or a bird seller.

It is also necessary to feed the birds coated eggshells as well as small rusks, which contain an amount of calcium sufficient to help the birds grow properly,

as well as to form the eggshells properly if they lay their eggs inside the cage.

The bird cage must also be placed in the house in a place away from air currents,

and it is desirable to enter the bird cage inside the house in the winter and rain away from the extreme cold,

and the bird cage or sparrows must be placed in a well-ventilated place, but no air currents pass through it.

It is best to add some straw or sawdust inside the cage so that the birds can build their nest or keep warm during the winter.

It is also important to check the cage and make sure there is water and food in the cage daily.

It must be ensured that the house does not have pets such as cats and dogs to avoid preying on birds and attacking them inside the cage.

Please put the bird cage in a place out of reach of these animals and a place that these animals cannot climb and reach in order not to prey on the birds.

If the birds lay their eggs inside the cage, they must be taken care of, remain calm, and not be moved from their place, in order for the eggs to hatch properly.

The period of incubation of eggs ranges between 22 and 24 days, and the length or shortness of the period is due to the cold weather.

It is also necessary to move the young chicks away from the mother after 30 to 40 days after the eggs hatch,

after making sure that they are able to eat and warm themselves, and they must be placed in a cage near the mother and not left in the same cage with the mother.

You must ensure that the cage is clean to avoid infection with diseases or fleas.

Ways to take care of canaries

breeding of canaries depends on several criteria, the most prominent of which we mention.

Choosing the right canary bird

can be bought directly from the bird shop, and it can also be purchased from the canary bird breeder, preferably so that its type and offspring are of the excellent type, it is necessary when acquiring canaries to choose young birds in order to be able to keep them for a longer time, must Also, knowing that all canaries do not sing. Only males sing and make sweet chirping.

As for females, they sing at times, but they do not make different sounds. They are unable to diversify their chirping.

Choosing the appropriate cage for the canary bird, it is preferable to choose a cage for the canary bird that is somewhat wide,

and that its width is not less than 51 cm, in order to enable the bird to fly inside the cage, and to carry out daily flying exercises,

must be taken into account that the vessels in which food and drink are served They are proportional to the size of the cage so as not to take up much space and prevent the bird from moving freely.

It is also necessary to choose water and food bowls for canaries from bird bowls so that they are not contaminated with bird waste.

With regard to the spacing of the bars of the canary cage, it should not exceed 2 cm so that the canary’s head does not get stuck between them if it tries to insert its head into the slots between the bars.

As for the bottom of the canary cage, it is better to put straw, recycled papers or newspapers in it if it is not Recycled paper is available to absorb the wetness and debris produced by canaries.

Make sure to clean the cage daily and change this paper. Canary bird waste can also be used as fertilizer for the soil or for house plants that are not used for cooking.

Mostly, bird breeders recommend hanging the canary cage on a stand that exceeds the length and height of a meter and a half from the ground and placing it near a window that is kind of closed. Ma,

allow light and ventilation to pass, but away from air currents and strong sunlight, so that the canary bird feels that it is in its natural environment and continues to sing, chirp, and normal life throughout the day.

Suitable food for the canary 

Like other birds, the canary mainly feeds on seeds. It can also feed on insects, plants, and some fruits during the seasons in which these fruits are available in nature.

As for the canary birds that are raised in homes, it is preferable to select the seeds that are fed with them.

Because it may cause them some diseases or indigestion, and it is advised to consult a bird breeder or a veterinarian, and it is preferable to feed them mostly millet seeds that are in the form of clusters, or honey sticks, which are a type of seeds that are covered with sugar or honey, and which are sold at the bird food seller, It helps to improve the singing and chirping of the canary, and it must be known that balanced food helps the canary to germinate its feathers and to be able to sing continuously with a sweet voice.

Ways to take care of birds of paradise

among the birds that belong to the species of Paradise, which are characterized by males with colorful and beautiful are Feathers Sweet during this period, just as the birds of paradise differ from one species to another in the same species,

so, the color of their feathers differs as well as their size, and some of them may appear beautiful bright colors in addition to the black color, and there are some species that are distinguished by their bright golden feathers.

Birds of paradise live in nature on the islands of Guinea, as well as in Australia, and some areas of tropical forests, and some species of birds of paradise have been found in African savannah regions.

Breeding birds of paradise is a little tricky because these birds are used to flying in open areas.

In this part of the article, we will describe how to care for birds of paradise.

Feeding the birds of paradise

The birds of paradise feed on insects such as arthropods as well as some fruits,

and the birds of paradise may at times eat seeds and small vertebrates as well as frogs and small reptiles, and while the birds of paradise live in nature, they are based on tearing the bark of trees and breaking branches to get insects. Birds of paradise inside the house, so he needs to consult a bird breeder or a veterinarian to know how to feed them, given the variety to which they belong. There are varieties that prefer insects more than fruits, and there are some varieties of birds of paradise that prefer fruits and seeds more.

Breeding of birds of paradise Birds of paradise

live separately, that is, males alone and females alone in nature, and the rapprochement between males and females of birds of paradise occurs only in the mating season, which is between the months of August and January, but when breeding birds of paradise, one can rely on one cage for the male and the female.

Ways to take care of rose birds Rose

birds or love birds are considered among the birds that many people like to raise indoors, due to their bright colors and sweet chirping, and these birds are known for the male’s association with the female in a large way, as he cannot associate with anyone other than the female if she dies, and He remains alone until he dies, and they are birds that can live for about ten years.

How to raise a rose bird indoors

First, you must choose the right place to place the rose bird cage in order to avoid disease.

To raise a rose bird, care must be taken to acquire a bird at the age of no more than three months, to ensure that it is able to adapt to life in a new home.

You must also make sure that a male bird and a female bird have been purchased, and make sure that there is compatibility between them, and this can be discovered by looking closely at them and seeing if there is compatibility before buying them.

be examined well before purchasing it to ensure that it does not have diseases or deficiencies in its wings, because this may affect its life as well as its freedom and its ability to chirp fluently.

also be an indication of the presence of some diseases.

Rose birds are known for their many movements inside the cage, so before buying them, you must make sure that the bird is active, because it does not move much, which may indicate injury or disease.

How to feed the rose bird

To ensure the growth of the rose bird, it must be diversified in the foods provided to it, which of course belong to the rose birds.

It should also be known that rose birds feed on grains of all kinds,

so equal quantities of bird grain must be mixed before serving them to rose birds, and among the grains that rose birds prefer are sunflower seeds.

Provide some leaves, such as watercress leaves or lettuce leaves, to the rose birds, because they help them move their bowels.

The water should also be changed and the bowls of water and food for rose birds should be cleaned to avoid disease.

Methods for caring for budgerigars

are birds of the parrot family and Australia is considered their original home, and they have spread all over the world through breeding and selling in animal and bird shops, and budgerigars live in nature in the form of a flock or large groups, and they are also distinguished by their ability to pronounce and imitate voices Humans, and the green color is the original color of these birds.

As for the blue or yellow budgies, only these colors were obtained by naturalizing them and improving their types.

For breeding budgerigars, you must choose a comfortable cage with a food tray and a water tray closed from the top and open from the bottom so that bird droppings do not fall into it, and a suitable container for drinking water as well as a container for bathing must be placed, because this type of bird loves to shower a lot during the summer.

Among the favorite foods for budgerigars are the seeds of firas, danibeh, and pangolin, and food must not be forgotten, as it must be available throughout the night and day in the bird cage.

Budgies also prefer to eat some vegetables and fruits.

Budgies are considered adults at the age of seven months and can live up to the age of ten years, and

if they are well taken care of, their age can reach 15 years.

It is possible to start training the budgerigar to speak at a very young age.

Also, the budgerigar can mate even inside the cage, if there is calmness and the cage is large enough to stimulate the budgerigar to mate, and some spacious and clean nests for budgerigars can be acquired from the seller of animal items or from nature, to help create incentives for mating inside the cage.

This concludes our article, in which we talked about ways to care for domestic birds.


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